Gehring and Homberger CVRPTW
200 clients
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600 clients
800 clients
1000 clients
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BSJBjørn Sigurd Johansen, DSolver 09-2004
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CAINIAOZhu He, Longfei Wang, Haoyuan Hu (, Yinghui Xu & VRP Team (Yujie Chen, Lei Wen, Guotao Wu, Ying Zhang et al.), unpublished result of CAINIAO AI. "New Algorithm for PDPTW", unpublished result of CAINIAO AI.
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CLSCurtois & Landa Silva Ejection based metaheuristic for PDPTW. Working paper, University of Nottingham
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DKDirk Koning Using Column Generation for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Disturbances, Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, Utrecht University, 2011.
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JNMB2Jakub Nalepa, Miroslaw Blocho. "Temporally Adaptive Co-operation Schemes". working paper.
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Li&LimLi H. and A. Lim A MetaHeuristic for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows, In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Dallas, TX, USA, 2001.
LLH. Li and A. Lim "Large Scale Time-Constrained Vehicle Routing Problems: A General Metaheuristic Framework with Extensive Experimental Results," Submitted to Artificial Intelligence Review, 2001.
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MBDD. Mester, O. Bräysy and W. Dullaert "A Multi-parametric Evolution Strategies Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problems". Working Paper, Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa, Israel (2005).
MFSEvgeny Makarov, Ilya Fiks, Eugene Sorokhtin (
MKM. Koch "An approach combining two methods for the vehicle routing problem with time windows", The solutions were presented at EURO and EURO XX Conference 2004.
NBJakub Nalepa, Mirosław Błocho Co-operation in the parallel memetic algorithm, submitted to International Journal of Parallel Programming
NB1J. Nalepa and M. Blocho "Enhanced Guided Ejection Search for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows" Intelligent Information and Database Systems: Proc. 8th Asian Conference, ACIIDS 2016, pages 388–398. Springer, Heidelberg, 2016.
NBCJakub Nalepa, Miroslaw Blocho, and Zbigniew J. Czech. "Co-operation schemes for the parallel memetic algorithm". In Roman Wyrzykowski, Jack Dongarra, Konrad Karczewski, and Jerzy Waniewski, editors, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 191–201. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. ISBN 978-3-642-55223-6. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-55224-3 19.
NBDYuichi Nagata, Olli Bräysy, and Wout Dullaert (2010) "A penalty-based edge assembly memetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows". Comput. Oper. Res. 37, 4 (April 2010), 724-737.
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RP2S. Ropke & D.Pisinger "A general heuristic for vehicle routing problems", technical report, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen.
SAM::OPTGeir Hasle, Oddvar Kloster Industrial Vehicle Routing Problems. Chapter in Hasle G., K-A Lie, E. Quak (eds): Geometric Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Optimization. ISBN 978-3-540-68782-5, Springer 2007
SBCarlo Sartori, Luciana Buriol A matheuristic approach to the PDPTW (to be submitted).
SCRPiotr Sielski (, Piotr Cybula, Marek Rogalski (, Mariusz Kok, Piotr Beling, Andrzej Jaszkiewicz, Przemysław Pełka. Emapa S.A. ( "New methods of VRP problem optimization", unpublished result, research funded by The National Centre for Research and Development. "New methods of VRP problem optimization", project number: POIR.01.01.01.-00-0222/16.
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TSTetraSoft A/S MapBooking Algoritm for Pickup and Delivery Solutions with Time Windows and Capacity restraints.
VCGPT. Vidal, T. G. Crainic, M. Gendreau, C. Prins 'A hybrid genetic algorithm with adaptive diversity managment for a large class of vehicle routing problems with time-windows'
VRDmitriy Demin, Mikhail Diakov (, Ivan Ilin, Nikita Ivanov, Viacheslav Sokolov ( et al. VRt Global (
WARuud Wagemaker MSc thesis in progress. Tilburg University.
WMGanzhong Luo (, Lei Gao (, Zhixin Liu, Yaning Li, Mingxiang Chen, Qichang Chen, Nuoyi Zhu, unpublished result of WATERMIRROR AI. "New Algorithms for VRPTW & PDPTW", unpublished result of WATERMIRROR AI.
OTPiotr Sielski, Piotr Cybula, Marek Rogalski (, Mariusz Kok, Przemysław Pełka, Krzysztof Chaładyn. Otimo (
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