home scores about PDP CVRPTW history
BVHMB2VCGPQ2001-01-012012-07-182012-07-312016-06-2273007350740074507500755076007650770077502001-01-012012-07-182012-07-312016-06-22total distance travelledroutes


Initial by BVH, with 36 routes and a total distance of 7711.6900.

2012-07-18, after 4216 days (12 years)

MB2 improved total distance by 391.3500.
From 7711.6900 to 7320.3400 (by 5.0748%).

2012-07-31, after 13 days

VCGP improved total distance by 9.9900.
From 7320.3400 to 7310.3500 (by 0.1365%).

2016-06-22, after 1422 days (4 years)

Q improved total distance by 1.7951.
From 7310.3500 to 7308.5549 (by 0.0246%).